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Automation Framework Design You Should Know  

Automation Framework Design

What is test automation design pattern? 

Design Patterns in test automation are reusable solutions to some of the common problems faced in the design and implementation of automated tests. Each of these patterns offers a way to solve recurring problems in the development of applications and provides a structured approach to writing better-quality code that will be easily maintainable. 

Design Patterns in test automation aid in generating a more organized framework and provide guidelines that make the code more flexible, extensible, and easier to manage. Applying these design patterns gives automation engineers a concrete way out to solve problems like complex test cases, code maintainability code and scalability. 

Although it is not mandatory, using design patterns in test automation frameworks can dramatically improve code maintenance and reusability. They help you shape the development process by presenting tested solutions to common problems, thus making your automated testing more resilient and trustworthy. Design patterns for test automation help to make sure that frameworks are not only effective but will also match future requirements or changes in the application. 

Enhance Your Testing Efficiency with Proven Design Patterns

Different Types of Automation Design Patterns 

Design patterns play a vital role in test automation, offering numerous advantages and benefits that significantly enhance the effectiveness of automated tests. Let us look at some of the tried and tested design patterns used in test automation. 

Page Object Model  

Page Object Model (POM) is a design pattern which has become popular in test automation for enhancing test maintenance and reducing code duplication by promoting the separation of test logic from the user interface (UI) code.  

In POM, each web page or UI component is defined and implemented as a class and the elements within that page (such as buttons, fields, and other controls) are encapsulated as variables or methods within that class. 

POM abstracts page elements and their operations, allowing developers to interact with pages via methods without using UI details in the test case.  

Having the process of encapsulation enables to reduction of code duplication and keeps it more organized all the while developers can reuse page objects across multiple test cases.  

In addition, POM aids in change management since the updates on UI elements are done only in the form of changes to page classes but not within Test Scripts. 

Used mostly in web testing, POM works well with frameworks such as Selenium, in which tools like PageFactory make your web element easily manageable.  

If your UI is complex, or especially if it changes frequently, Page Objects are built for you to make the test scalable, easily maintainable, and robust. 

Additionally, POM can be implemented in various programming languages, including Java, Python, and C#, depending on the framework used. Most modern test automation frameworks support POM implementation, making it versatile across different environments. 

Factory Design Pattern  

The Factory Design Pattern is an object creation design pattern that provides an interface for creating objects without specifying the exact class that will be created.  

This pattern includes the same super-class and sub-classes, but it has a factory class which decides what to instantiate. This abstraction hides creation logic to improve flexibility and scalability. 

The Factory Design Pattern can be employed especially in test automation to create the object dynamically based on circumstances — such as platforms or configurations. As an example, when testing mobile apps, the common attributes for both Android and iOS like accessibility IDs or content descriptions will be shared.  

That way, the factory class can create the correct driver object depending on which platform we are testing, without having to check the platform multiple times in our code. 

The Factory Pattern improves the maintainability and flexibility of our code by centralizing and encapsulating the object creation.  

This helps developers to change or add object creation logic without changing the test code, so it is a good solution for handling dynamic and complex test environments in automation frameworks. 

Facade Pattern  

Facade Pattern is a structural design pattern that provides a simple and unified interface for complex logic.  

The Facade Pattern in test automation provides the ability to ease the interaction with several page classes, enabling developers to write more maintainable and scalable test scripts. A facade pattern is used to implement multiple actions and business logic into one class which enhances the functionality of the Page Object Model. 

For example, in automating an e-commerce checkout process, several page classes, such as HomePage, LoginPage, PaymentPage, and ShippingPage, are responsible for different actions. Instead of having the test script interact with each page class individually, a facade class (e.g., PlaceOrderFacade) is created. This facade contains all the steps—such as logging in, selecting items, and completing payment—into one method, like placeOrder(). 

With this method, the test script only must call a single method and its complexity decreases drastically. Facade pattern improves test maintainability as it centralizes the workflow logic in the facade class and simplifies subsequent updates and changes to be implemented. It is particularly useful when you have a lot of interaction going on with multiple components and helps better organize test automation framework. 

Singleton Pattern

The Singleton Pattern ensures only a single instance of a class is created across the test suite and provides a global access point to this instance. This pattern is very important when it comes to test automation, where managing shared resources like WebDriver instances, log files and configuration data is essential so that all the test cases remain consistent and we never have duplicate resources being used by different sets of test cases. 

By using the Singleton pattern, frameworks can manage resource utilization effectively. For example, we can have only one instance of WebDriver being reused across the different test cases. This reduces memory overhead and the problems that come when multiple instances are created. 

Singleton pattern centralizes resource management, and this is a big advantage since it becomes a lot easier to maintain and modify shared objects like test configurations or external connections. It guarantees a single control point where one can manage the global states across the tests. This results in easier handling of test automation framework reducing complexity which will lead to better resource utilization. This pattern is crucial to provide efficiency and consistency in the implementation when you work with objects that need to persist throughout the lifecycle of the test execution. 

Fluent Page Object Model 

Fluent Page Object Model (FOPM) is the extended version of the page object model design pattern and uses the fluent interface design approach to increase readability and performance. This approach uses method chaining to simplify the interactions with web pages. It also makes the code more readable and easier to manage.  

Every method that performs an action in the Fluent POM, usually returns to the current instance of the page object, so methods could be chained together in a sequence. This reduces the complexity of the testing, as multiple actions can be executed in a single line of code. For instance, instead of executing methods separately, the tester can call one method after another in a single statement that naturally makes the code more concise and understandable. 

The Fluent POM design helps in returning the same page object for continuity, though it is also flexible enough that methods can return different page objects while navigating between screens/pages. This model makes the automation framework neat & clean, saves from writing repetitive code, and much beneficial for maintaining test scripts as well. 


Effective test automation design patterns are crucial for creating maintainable, scalable automation frameworks. Although these patterns improve test efficiency and decrease test redundancy, companies need to consider the technical expertise to implement them properly and maintain them going forward.  

However, many automation frameworks eventually grow more complex and may face challenges like integrating new tools or handling complex test scenarios. Any business that wants to get the most out of these patterns and achieve long-term success in automation testing must invest in training and adapt to changing testing needs. 

Master Automation Framework Design for Scalable Testing with Srinsoft


What is the Strategy pattern in test automation? 

The Strategy pattern defines a family of algorithms (e.g., different testing strategies) that can be selected and used interchangeably at runtime. 

What is the importance of the Command pattern in test automation? 

The Command pattern encapsulates test steps as objects, allowing for flexible execution, undo operations, and command reuse. 

What is the Observer pattern used for in test automation? 

The Observer pattern helps notify dependent objects (e.g., logging or reporting) about changes in the test execution state. 

Why use the Decorator pattern in automation frameworks? 

The Decorator pattern adds additional functionality to objects (like logging or exception handling) without altering their structure. 

How does the Adapter pattern aid in test automation? 

The Adapter pattern allows incompatible interfaces, such as integrating new tools into an existing automation framework, to work together. 

What is the use of Dependency Injection in test automation? 

Dependency Injection promotes loose coupling by allowing test dependencies (like drivers or configurations) to be injected at runtime, making code easier to maintain and test.

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